So its been a while since i've posted anything but things seemed to get into a bit of a routine for a while so there wasnt much to say. not that the routine was bad, just some sun, sea and sand with the odd shift at work thrown in.
Theres been a couple of points of note more recently namely a porshe 911, a beach house and my family.
A couple of weeks ago after a night catching up with my cousin marc I found myself and one of Em's cousins 21st which was awesome in itself, beautiful setting, spit roast lamb, beer music and good times - the usual. One of Em's uncles however turned up in a Porshe 911 and much to mine and Dave;s surprise he threw us the keys with those immortal words "wanna take her for a spin?". I was smiling from ear to ear for the rest of the week.
So after a week from reeling about the car it was time to take some time off at the beach. But it wouldn't be a week off if i just stayed at the same beach as always so I headed off to stay with Dave and Em at the beutiful surf village of whangamata for a coule of nights.
Then it was off to Auckland to pick up the parental unit from the airport for their festive season tour of New Zealand - jealous of my travelling experience they couldn't tolerate not having the New Zealand stamp in their passport when i had one in mine.
Hannah and John were close to follow on after them and it wasn't long before we were having prawns on the barbie, swimming in the sea and enjoying a proper christmas down under. Since then it been back at work though, culminating in new years night shift in the party capital of new zealand whilst my mum and dad were touring the south island with hannah and john.
My New years was an all time anti climax though, i woke up seconds after the bells realising i was half an hour late for work. Oops wasnt the best start to the year but i think things are going to get better. My last night shift is about to start and then im off to Wellington to meet up with the family and take my mum skydiving for her 60th. extreme.
Christmas breaskfast outside in the sun, not the usual crimbo start, but a welcome change.